Joe Blogs

February 9, 2015

Living in A Pretentious World

pre·ten·tious      pr??ten(t)SH?s adjective     attempting to impress by affecting importance, talent, culture, etc., than is actually possessed. ———- Here’s 10 signs we’re living in a pretentious world (and if I were pretentious, I’d point out that it’s also the same 10 signs of the apocalypse as well).
January 5, 2015

Succeeding in Games: A Blog to Myself

How do I break into the games business? How do I create successful games? How do I succeed in games? How do I make my own games (the ones I want to make)? How do I succeed as an artist/creator/designer? How do I get better at anything?
October 7, 2014

SIEGE 2014: You Can’t Judge This Book By It’s Cover

SIEGE 2014: You Can’t Judge This Book By It’s Cover